Tuesday, June 5, 2012

What am I going to Blog about?

I originally started this blog to help a friend format her blog site; to make a templet to start with. She has now published numerous posts. She is inspired and motivated to keep going. In my opinion, she is able make the reader feel her excitement, see her inspiration and take their own action. That was just my most recent inspiration to take a shot at blogging. I have heard from others and read in articles and books that writing is a great way to stimulate creativity. I have felt for awhile that I have been living under a rock! It is time to get out from underneath my rock and start experiencing a world that "I" create! My goal is to improve my communication skills, find out what I like, who I am at the core, transform those things about myself that are not working and create new possibilities for living a powerful, peaceful and free life! I have no idea at this moment what that is going to look like, but it will be fun finding out!